Hello everybody. I have had this website in the works for sometime but was looking for the right opportunity to launch. I believe that opportunity is upon us.
On a very popular social media website, there was a comment made concerning our community and our Board's strategy to assimilate the golf courses into our HOA as an amenity, dramatically increasing our monthly assessment and making spending on the courses completely at the whim of our Board -- absolutely no controls.
This is very bad news for our community since it has been noted that our golf courses are in terrible shape, approximately $1.3m is needed for bridge repair and our Reserve Study identified over $1.5m in renovations required in 2025.
This would have a disastrous effect on the finances of this community.
What is disturbing is the entire thread, the original comment and approximately 100 comments were deleted. It seems someone in a position to do so, removed the whole thread. Talk about "Big Brother".
So it appears there are people, I would suggest with a vested interest, that do not want this community to even have a dialogue on the subject. This has prompted me to launch TownCrier.Biz.
We hope for this website to be a beacon. We hope for it to be a source of real, accurate information. We hope it is a place to have a dialogue and discuss what we want our community to be. We desire for it to be a place where people can express their opinion without the fear of being censored, comments removed or having their account suspended.
Welcome to TownCrier.Biz
The original post is worth reading. It is as follows:
P---------- at L----------- decides to incorporate the golf club into the HOA. Hot off the press, the golf course still can't support itself even with the major several million dollar special assessments they forced onto all of us, so now the will fix it once and for all, they will make it part of the HOA so now all 100% of us have to pay for the golf course that only 8% of the people use (and the rest of us are locked out of). They will use tactics like "it will produce money and lower your HOA fees" (I wish it could make money, than we could keep it private and use that profit to lower the cost so resident GC members can play for cheaper?) Next is my all time favorite one "your property values will go down if we close the golf course and cut the grass to look like all the other HOA grass" (they already said this cost to cut the grass will be $20 per month per house hold). in fact after that last assessment my property value went down 10% in a couple of weeks. Look at P----------, when they closed the bankrupt course the property values went up! People, its time to figure out this golf Course is a losing proposition being driven by a small group of privileged people that feel we should pay for there privilege of paying golf.
Look to TownCrier.Biz for more on what is really happening in our community and the communities around us.
Thank you. Keep the faith.